
Assirya is the moon of Feralie, although they are on different planes. They share different laws of the universe, but each can easily see the other, assuming a clear sky on Feralie.

The technology on Assirya is so advanced that it allows for cybernetic implants, weapons grade hand lasers and advanced digital technology. The technology is not so advanced as to be outside of human comprehension. It is the sort of tech that one might imagine having one day.

Notable people who spend time here are Kharon, the Lord of the Turning Wheel, and Entity Prime, the Lord of the Machine. Entity Prime spends much of his time in his satellite, orbiting the moon by tracking the terminator line. Kharon is the possessor of the Amethystine Blade, a rapier-like weapon, apparently made from a gem. Wounds that it inflicts never shed blood.

Westover is the side of the moon that ever faces away from Feralie.

 Immortals is a role-playing game developed and run by Jim Arona.
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