
Page History: Skills - Thief, Assassin and Spy

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Page Revision: 05/03/2013 04:15

These skills are composed of a number of sub-skills, one of which is deemed to be primary.


Each of these skills is composed of a number of similar sub-skills. Namely:

Sneak Find Traps Remove Traps Backstab Memory Disguise Climb walls


The primary skill for a Assassin, is Backstab.


The primary skills for a Spy, are Memory & Disguise.


The primary skill for a Thief, are Find/Remove Traps.

Skill Progression

Each time the main skill (Thief/Assassin/Spy) is raised, the primary skill is also raised. This means that the primary skill is always the same as the main skill itself.

Each sub-skill starts at zero (0) and must be raised separately but can only ever be raised to half of the main skill. The cost to raise the sub-skill is equal to the value the sub-skill is being raise to.

To raise it from 0 to 1, costs 1. From 1 to 2, costs 2. From 2 to 3, costs 3. And so on.

When the sub-skill is used, its value is the value to which it has been raised, plus HALF of the main skill. So, a 6 point thief, that has not developed their backstab skill, will have a 3 point backstab (0 as it has not been raised, plus half of their thief skill which is 3).

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