

Alias writes...




Player Characters

Oberon, Lord of Wands
Damien, Prince of Demons
Alias, Warder of Secrets
Morphia, Weaver of Dreams
Odin, Caster of Runes
Typerion, Sun King
Beau, Lord of Charms


Places Visited

True Stone Bridge starting to span the Abyss between Westover and Feralie.



Save spirits travelling the abyss.


Motivation and/or Employer



Toll on the Bridge

Players: All but Jason.



After a little discussion, freeing the elves from the Lord of Corruption’s disease was our next great deed to accomplish. Not long later we found ourselves travelling “west”, looking for the Gray Havens. After talking to a few elves, we determined that a nexus or middle march was involved. Finding the gray havens should give us access to some light from the trees (via a simaril), which should free the elves.

West Over seemed a semi logical place to start. Heading across the abyss (flying) we noted a new stone bridge forming, from the West Over end, heading to Feralie. After travelling to the West Over end, we could see the mists of the astral dark and corrupted not far from the stone bridges start.

Oberon (corrected) guessed it was Vergigorm at work. After a lot of preparation, the party decided to back away and head around the potential conflict without investigating. Not willing to back away so easily, I headed off, alone, and investigated. Oberon was right, Vergigorm was there along with several worm skulls.

Upon returning to the party, they decided to make a hasty retreat. Being incapable of taking on Vergigorm myself, I resigned to leave, with the party, hoping to encourage them to return.


Saving Spirits

Heading back to West Over, after recovering power, we noticed spirits being sucked into the half finished stone bridge. Now the party had no excuse to avoid Vergigorm, the souls of the second born were being threatened, if not destroyed. A bit of quick preparation later, and we found ourselves sneaking forward in a row, approaching a bone circle manned by Vergigorm and two worm skulls.

The exchange started with one worm skull being fried by flame strikes ala Oberon. Odin had a more upfront encounter with another worm skull, but finished it off after taking a few wounds and receiving help from Typerion. Morphia put a pleasant aspect upon Vergigorm, making him easier to look at.

This left the mighty Vergigorm. He approached and proceeded to take us apart. He hurled a ball of magical wire that penetrated Oberon’s defenses, leaving a hole in his stomach area. Then the melee began. Odin was cast away in a single blow. Typerion and Beau began a social engagement. In the confusion I got behind Vergigorm and delivered a rear attack, using the Ebon Spear. Just managing to penetrate his hide, I unleashed a silver spray inside him. He attempted to bat me away.

Now I really started to miss Damien. With the party throwing blast magic at him, I continued to buzz around, in close trying to hold his attention. I held it briefly before suddenly being given more backward momentum than I could immediately handle. Oddin was trucking back in for more. Morphia was around somewhere.

In the meantime, the social engagement of Typerion and Beau began. Around us the world changed. The pleasantness of a rural farmland in spring came upon us. Rock and bushed sprang up providing cover. I found a hidden trench leading back behind Vergigorm. The big V didn’t like this new environment turned to flee.

Having none of this, I teleported forward. Seeing into the astral, he knew my arrival point and reached out, grabbing me as I arrived. Attempting to blast my way out, I used a dark shield. He shifted the damage back to me. I was starting to get worried, as I felt myself being dragged away. Turning to a whisper, I gently floated away.

Attempting to send the new reality into the astral after Vergigorm, I commanded some of the sheep to charge him. Typerion altered the sheep to become charging rams. Suddenly we had Vergigorm’s attention. Seeking me out, he launched himself into the air, ignoring everything and everyone else.

Unsure of the reason’s for his new attention, I became solid and used vectored flight to speed my descent, desperate to get back to the party. Moments later, I was approaching the floor of the astral at great speed. I fell down now, only to become more powerful. Oberon put me in his staff and I was in stasis. Out of action for the rest o the encounter.

The following relates events as described by the party. Why they didn’t keep it secret I don’t know.

Several of Oberon’s sendings were nagging Vergigorm, but something else was needed. A dragon was needed to face Vergigorm. Thinking of the mightiest dragon song they knew, the chanting began and he appeared. A truly eerie beast. This mighty green beast wore an outer skin, similar to felt. Its powers of disguise were so great, that this fearsome beast appeared young, friendly and innocent, not something you come to expect from a dragon.

But still, he was no match for Vergigorm. Oberon began to twist his powerful magics to morph this creature into something even more ominous. Soon, puff, became son of puff daddy, with some kick ass attitude.

Fleeing, the party left the Huons, the Pack and Puff, to face Vergigorm. This brought them enough time to return to the bone circle and deliver some structural damage, destroying it and freeing the bronze dragon spirit bound there.

With Vergigorm hot on their trail, they departed with much haste across the abyss, back to Pherily to the Manor on the Moors. By now, some time had been spent in the Astral/Abyss and temporal drag was about to catch up. Morphia and Beau seemed a little indignant about being aged. Vain second borns.


Best Laid Plans

Players: All but Morphia.



A lot of planning was done. Much time was spent. The purifying blade was acquired from the lady of the lake. Typerion took this and after some investigating we had it fully activated.



Next we had find him. Checking out all the broken stone bridges (how Damien and Oberon knew about all of these, I’m not sure) and a few other places, we found no track of Vergigorm.
 Immortals is a role-playing game developed and run by Jim Arona.
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