
Page History: Kharon - the Lord of the Turning Wheel

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Page Revision: 20/03/2008 03:46


Kharon appears as a man in his late thirties or early forties. His features seem ordinary enough, and his eyes are a dull hue somewhere between grey and brown, but definitely not green.

He's fond of leather clothing the same kind of colour as his eyes.

He usually wears a rapier and a light crossbow, but often appears to go unarmed.

Base of Operation

Murderer's Row, Assirya

Secondary Titles

Not the Lord of Assassins. Honest.


His passing is ever strange and no man knows the manner of his going.


Kharon is a powerful ally when appropriately contracted, and is honourable to the terms.

He takes a reasonably grim view of the sanctity of human life, and basically that view is 'sanctity is close to the bank account'. He can be bought, but will remain bought until the contract is executed.

He forms alliances reluctantly.

Special Abilities

Kharon possesses the Amethystine Blade, which inflicts wounds that never shed blood.

He may have, or have had, the Blue Jade Dagger in his possession.


None known.
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